MONTHLY RATE FROM 100 TO 1,088,400 kn
Kilometers from 0 to 14,655,000 km
Power from 20 to 700 kW
CO2 from 0 to 956,200 g/km
Engine displacement from 0 to 12,300 ccm
Did you know that all our cars are inspected in 59 points with clearly shown imperfections? As additional insurance, you can add a Premium waranty for only 14.99 Kn per month!
Our financing calculator allows you to choose the preferred payment method that suits your needs and calculate the approximate monthly installment in advance.
If you request financing through Neostar, we will reserve the vehicle for ten days, giving you enough time to finalize the financing process. Don't worry - your deposit will be fully refunded if you change your mind!
Choose one of three ways you can sell a car on Neostar: - independently, through our NeoConcierge service, or if you are short on time and want to sell your vehicle as soon as possible - we can buy it from you!
"We sold our car to Neostar. Clear communication from the start. Friendly, punctual, fast, we were delighted." Mia
We will promote your car through dynamic ads, the internet search engine, social networks, and weekly newsletters to display it to as many potential buyers as possible.